
mais peluches

"Peluche" é uma palavra engraçada. Não tenho a certeza se estes cabem na definição de peluche, mas são bonecos que tenho em casa.
These are dummies of mine. Soft toys, in Portugal we call "peluche", wich I think it's a funny word. The one upside represents a glow-worm - pirilampo mágico - it's sold each year in a different colour and it returns to help mental handicapped people.

2 comentários:

suzanne cabrera disse...

Love the little furry guy up top. Definitely takes me back in time to my childhood. Lots of wonderful sketches here. Beautiful lines.

salvaínha disse...

I'm so glad about your comment on my blog, totally flattered!That litle guy's it's sold in Portugal every year, looking exactly as old as it looks, only changes the colour :-)